Cultural Giving (2006)
Cultural Giving is the first guide in the UK to focus on individual giving for the arts and heritage and is aimed as much at trustees and chief executives as the fundraising staff of cultural organisations, although many of the issues and solutions could be applied to charities across all sectors.
Using a case study format to illustrate how the techniques described have worked for a range of different organisations, the book gives plenty of realistic models to follow. There are also vivid examples of how not to do it and specialist advice on a number of topics, including board development, data protection, research, tax and wealth screening.
Cultural Giving is published by the Directory of Social Change. Copies can be obtained, price £15.
“Your views have not only helped my thinking with individual fundraising, but have also really helped as I have looked at restructuring the fundraising committee etc. and I am sure I am leaving the Museum in a stronger position largely due to its (your) help.”
Jules Foster, Fundraising Consultant
“I just finished reading your book and THOROUGHLY enjoyed it! It really is the best single volume guide to fundraising in the arts that I have ever come across. I’ve given my copy now to Sam McGuire (Director of Development) and suggested we buy copies for his entire department and the marketing department, as there is so much useful material in it!”
Simon Woods, Chief Executive, Royal National Scottish Orchestra
“After some deliberation, I invested in this and already think it is one of the best fundraising books I have ever read – it’s in my top four! I’m still reading through and am learning a lot, so I wanted to say “well done” on such a cracking read.”
Mike Frost, Development Officer, Museum of Bristol